(in French) Jean Pacquement Linguistique historique et histoire de la langue 80 ans après La formation de la langue marathe de Jules Bloch À l'occasion du centenaire de l'EFEO, cet article revient sur La formation de la langue marathe de Jules Bloch, première grammaire historique du marathi publiée en 1919, qui se caractérise par une approche de l'histoire de l'indo-aryen inspirée de l'école comparatiste d'Antoine Meillet et qui a marqué, au même titre que le Linguistic Survey of India contemporain de George Grierson, le champ de la linguistique indo-aryenne et en l'occurrence le domaine des études philologiques marathi. This contribution presents the origin of Marathi and the main stages of its "formation", includes a history of the Marathi language from 1012 to the present day and finally mentions, by way of conclusion, the influence of La formation de la langue marathe on Indo-Aryan linguistics.

(in English) Jean Pacquement Historical linguistics and history of language Eighty years after Jules Block's La formation de la langue marathe On the occasion of the centenary of the EFEO, this paper deals with La formation de la langue marathe by Jules Bloch, the first historical grammar of the Marathi language, published in 1919, whose approach to the history of the Indo-Aryan languages takes its inspiration from the comparativist school of Antoine Meillet and which has been a landmark in the field of Indo-Aryan linguistics generally, much as the Linguistic Survey of India of the same period authored by George Grierson, and particularly in the field of Marathi philological studies. The present study provides an overview of the origin of the language and its development throughout these eleven centuries. If we accept Chatterji’s remark, as about a hundred year has passed since the book was published, Bengali, as an independent language, has been in existence for about eleven centuries now. 1) notes, ‘t has been in existence as an independent and characterized language, or, rather, as a distinct dialect group, for nearly ten centuries’. According to the language family, Bengali is categorised as a Modern or New Indo-Aryan (NIA) language of the Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-European language family. As a language of more than two hundred million people around the world, it is spoken, apart from bangladesh, in the West Bengal, Assam, Tripura and Bihar in India, and by sizable immigrant communities in Eorupe, USA and the Middle-East. The six languages that come before it are Chinese, English, Hindi-Urdu, Spanish, Arabic and Portuguese. It is the second official language in India, and seventh in the list of most spoken languages in the world. Bengali or Bangla (বাংলা) is the national language of Bangladesh.